North Carolina
Basic Statistics
North Carolina has a population of 10,439,388, of which 78.1% of the population is aged 18+ (U.S. Census, 2021)
31 of North Carolina's 10 counties lie within the Appalachian Region
North Carolina has the 13th highest rate of poverty in the United States, with nearly 1 in 6 residents living in extreme poverty
Literacy in North Carolina
21.3% of North Carolina adults read below a 3rd Grade level
32.9% of North Carolina adults read between a 3rd and 8th Grade level
45.9% of North Carolina adults are proficient in reading texts above an 8th Grade level
Numeracy in North Carolina
32.9% of North Carolina adults struggle to perform math problems that require more than 1 step
31.8% of North Carolina adults struggle to perform math problems that require more than 3 steps
35.3% of North Carolina adults are proficient in math taught above an 8th Grade level
Literacy by County
In North Carolina's 31 Appalachian counties, nearly 3 out of every 5 adults read below an 8th Grade level
Nearly 1 in 6 adults has not graduated from high school
Nearly 1 in 3 residents earns below 150% of the Federal Poverty Level
Numeracy by County
In North Carolina's 31 Appalachian Counties, nearly 1 out of every 3 adults struggles to perform basic math​
Nearly 1 in 6 residents relies on SNAP for Nutrition Assistance
13.4% of residents lack health insurance
North Carolina Adult Education Resources
Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College
A-B Tech Asheville Campus
340 Victoria Rd.
Asheville, NC 28801
Biltmore Church Arden Campus
35 Clayton Rd.
Arden, NC 28704
Charge for Services:
Counties Served:
Services Offered
Adult Literacy Education
Adult Numeracy Education
GED/High School Equivalency Prep
GED/High School Equivalency Testing
English Language Instruction
Delivery Model:
Hybrid In-Person/Virtual
Learning Management System (LMS)
Synchronous Online Courses
Asynchronous Online Courses
Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College
A-B Tech Madison
4646 US-25
Marshall, NC 28753
Charge for Services:
Counties Served:
Services Offered
Adult Literacy Education
Adult Numeracy Education
GED/High School Equivalency Prep
GED/High School Equivalency Testing
English Language Instruction
Delivery Model:
Hybrid In-Person/Virtual
Learning Management System (LMS)
Synchronous Online Courses
Asynchronous Online Courses
Burke County Literacy Council
200 N King St.
Morganton, NC 28655
Charge for Services:
Isothermal Community College
186 ICC Loop Rd.
Spindale, NC 28160
Charge for Services:
Isothermal Community College
1255 W Mill St.
Columbus, NC, 28722
Charge for Services:
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