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Infographics for Ohio Added to the Resource Section

Marcus J. Hopkins

Appalachian Learning Initiative Holmes County, Ohio Population: 43,808        87.2% of Holmes County adults struggle to perform basic math 13% of Adams County residents spend at least 50% of their income on housing 12% of Holmes County residents live in extreme poverty  Follow us @APPLIOrg: 5.8% of Holmes County residents rely on SNAP for Nutrition Assistance    National Center for Education Statistics, 2020
Adult Numeracy infographic and demographic statistics for Holmes County, Ohio

By: Marcus J. Hopkins

October 2nd, 2022

The Infographics Database has been updated to include downloadable infographics for Ohio's 32 Appalachian counties.

The including of Ohio marks the 8th state with infographics available for all Appalachian counties. We anticipate that infographics for the states of Pennsylvania and South Carolina will be uploaded in the next few weeks.

The Infographics Database is designed with advocacy in mind. Beyond providing adult literacy and numeracy statistics, these infographics are intended to highlight the underlying conditions that both contribute to and are impacted by adult illiteracy and innumeracy. APPLI hopes that visitors to our website will inform their advocacy efforts using these data.


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