By: Marcus J. Hopkins November 10th, 2022
This Giving Tuesday, the Appalachian Learning Initiative is launching our first fundraising campaign. Our goal: $1,000
The Appalachian Learning Initiative has a mission to work toward a world in which everyone living in Appalachia and across the United States has equitable access to:
Free or low-cost opportunities to improve their ability to read and perform basic mathematics
Information about public health and infectious diseases that is timely, accurate, and easy to understand
High-quality, affordable, and accountable healthcare and social services to improve their quality of life
We work to achieve this goal by engaging, educating, and empowering our community using easy-to-understand infographics, informational videos, and reading lists designed to increase awareness of life in Appalachia.
APPLI's First-Year Impacts
In our first year of operation (2022), the Appalachian Learning Initiative has:
Created 906 infographics, including 888 state- and county-level and 18 public health infographics
Recommended 38 books across 5 reading lists
Created 10 informational videos since September 2022
Operated six social media channels that have gained over 500 followers
Launched a new website in July 2022
Launched a monthly newsletter in September 2022
How APPLI Uses Donations
All donations received will be used for the purposes of operational expenses, such as website hosting, communication software, research software, technology equipment purchasing, and other costs that help APPLI conduct research, provide reporting on adult literacy, numeracy, public health, and public services provision, and continue operations.
Donations WILL NOT be used for any of the following purposes:
Executive or staff salaries
Personal expenses
Transportation or travel
All donations received will be fully accounted for in APPLI's regular annual report. All donors will have the opportunity to have their name listed in the report as a donor, as well as any donation attributions (e.g., "In memory of..." donations).