Basic Statistics
Virginia has a population of 8,631,393, of which 78.1% of the population is aged 18+ (U.S. Census, 2021)
25 of Virginia's 95 counties and 8 of Virginia's 38 independent cities lie within the Appalachian Region
Literacy in Virginia
18.8% of Virginia adults read below a 3rd Grade level
30.7% of Virginia adults read between a 3rd and 8th Grade level
50.4% of Virginia adults are proficient in reading texts above an 8th Grade level
Numeracy in Virginia
28.4% of Virginia adults struggle to perform math problems that require more than 1 step
31.3% of Virginia adults struggle to perform math problems that require more than 3 steps
40.3% of Virginia adults are proficient in math taught above an 8th Grade level
Literacy by County
In Virginia's 25 Appalachian counties and 8 Appalachian independent cities, more than 3 out of every 5 adults read below an 8th Grade level
Nearly 1 in 6 adults has not graduated from high school
Nearly 1 in 3 residents earns below 150% of the Federal Poverty Level
Numeracy by County
In Virginia's 25 Appalachian counties and 8 Appalachian independent cities, nearly 23 out of every 4 adults struggle to perform basic math
Nearly 1 in 6 residents relies on SNAP for Nutrition Assistance
10.6% of residents lack health insurance
Virginia Adult Education Resources
Bristol Public Library
Bristol Public Library
Upper Floor
701 Goode St.
Bristol, VA 24201
Charge for Services:
Henry County Public Schools
15 Primary School Rd.
Collinsville, VA 24078
Charge for Services:
Literacy Council of Kingsport
247 Broad Street
Suite #300 -1
Kingsport, Tennessee, 37660
Charge for Services:
Literacy Volunteers of the New River Valley
195 W. Main St.
Christiansburg, VA 24073
Charge for Services:
Counties Served:
Radford City
Services Offered
Adult Literacy
Adult Numeracy
Family Literacy
GED/High School Equivalency Prep
GED/High School Equivalency Testing
English Language Instruction
Delivery Model:
Hybrid In-Person/Virtual
Asynchronous Online Courses (Own-Pace, Over-Time)
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