Basic Statistics
Virginia has a population of 8,631,393, of which 78.1% of the population is aged 18+ (U.S. Census, 2021)
25 of Virginia's 95 counties and 8 of Virginia's 38 independent cities lie within the Appalachian Region
Literacy in Virginia
18.8% of Virginia adults read below a 3rd Grade level
30.7% of Virginia adults read between a 3rd and 8th Grade level
50.4% of Virginia adults are proficient in reading texts above an 8th Grade level
Numeracy in Virginia
28.4% of Virginia adults struggle to perform math problems that require more than 1 step
31.3% of Virginia adults struggle to perform math problems that require more than 3 steps
40.3% of Virginia adults are proficient in math taught above an 8th Grade level
Literacy by County
In Virginia's 25 Appalachian counties and 8 Appalachian independent cities, more than 3 out of every 5 adults read below an 8th Grade level
Nearly 1 in 6 adults has not graduated from high school
Nearly 1 in 3 residents earns below 150% of the Federal Poverty Level
Numeracy by County
In Virginia's 25 Appalachian counties and 8 Appalachian independent cities, nearly 23 out of every 4 adults struggle to perform basic math
Nearly 1 in 6 residents relies on SNAP for Nutrition Assistance
10.6% of residents lack health insurance
Virginia Adult Education Resources
Regional Adult & Career Education of Lee, Scott, Wise, and Norton Public Schools
Jonesville Middle School
Room 134
160 Middle School Dr.
Jonesville, VA 24263
MECC Lee County Center
282 Westgate Mall Cir.
Pennington Gap, VA 24277
Thomas Walker High School
Room 113
126 Blue Gray Rd.
Ewing, VA 24248
Charge for Services:
Counties Served:
Services Offered
Adult Literacy Education
Adult Numeracy Education
GED/High School Equivalency Prep
GED/High School Equivalency Testing
English Language Instruction
Delivery Model:
Hybrid In-Person/Virtual
Learning Management System (LMS)
Synchronous Online Courses
Asynchronous Online Courses
Roanoke Valley - Alleghany Region 5 Adult Education
108 N. Jefferson St.
Roanoke, Virginia, 24016
Charge for Services:
Southwest Regional Adult Education
308 Career Tech Dr.
Lebanon, VA 24266
Charge for Services:
Counties Served:
Services Offered
Adult Literacy Education
Family Literacy Education
Adult Numeracy Education
GED/High School Equivalency Prep
GED/High School Equivalency Testing
Delivery Model:
Hybrid In-Person/Virtual
Asynchronous Online Courses
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